Huna & The 7 Principles
When one is introduced to the idea of Huna Healing it is often assumed that all that it encompasses is bundled in a session facilitated by a Huna Practitioner. Healing takes place, you go home and your life goes on with the same mindset you had when you walked into the session. While taking part in a Huna healing session is sacred and powerful, there is much more to Huna then what takes place in a 60-90 minute session. The secret, the magic, lies within the healing work performed on the physical body but equally important is the work you do between sessions that will allow the healing to continue. It is a collective effort. Huna Healing is not a temporary fix nor is about fixing anything. It is about igniting the healing, the wholeness, that has been inside of us all along.

Sitting In The Seat Of Awareness
“Don’t be so negative”. “Think positively”. Some of us have been conditioned since birth to hide and wipe away our tears and to not be “so emotional”. To sweep our issues under the rug and break out a forced smile so that our vulnerability is masked from the world. Pretend as though everything is fine and it will all go away. But it doesn’t and here is why and how the energy of these conditions need to be cleared and transformed.

The Essence of Herbs
Rosemary, sage, mint, thyme…all very flavorful additions to our palettes and so picturesque and lovely to look at in an herb box perched on your window sill but my discovery of herbs has intrigued me to the level of wanting to share some other herbal facts with you that might have you thinking out of your herb box.

What are your dreams trying to tell you?
I am inspired to write about the magical and mystical topic of Dreams! I have always been a vivid dreamer, remembering up to five dreams a night and feeling gobsmacked at what the heck it all meant. I remember being very young and feeling a connection to my dreams but not understanding how to go further to connect to the underlying communication. Intuitiveness was poking it’s lovely head but I would need to bask in many more years of intuitive growth before I would pay closer attention and make that connection.