Huna Healing For Animals
Animals are extremely sensitive to energy, making them excellent recipients of Huna energy healing. This type of holistic approach for healing animals is for those who wish to enhance their pet’s health, longevity, and quality of life and to accelerate the healing process for ailments such as pain and inflammation, stress, anxiety, age related problems, pre and post surgery support, behavioral issues and more. Animals can also communicate their emotions, thoughts and needs during a healing session which creates a deeper bond between you and your loved companion. Sometimes your animal may wish to just share what is bothering them and this release can bring forth great healing on all levels.
With animals being incredibly intuitive and sensitive to energy they are susceptible to drawing in the surrounding energy. As your animal and you share space it is quite common for your companion to feel any stress, tension and even experience trauma or abandonment recall from current or past life experiences. Just as with us humans, Huna healing can locate strong points of blocked energy and release, transform and override any low vibrational energies causing any emotional or physical strain.
Treatments for age-related challenges are wonderful to provide comfort to your senior companion for arthritic pain and to increase their immune system strength and overall wellness. As relaxation is induced in a healing session, your animal moves into the parasympathetic state which is a heightened environment for the etheric body to receive healing.
I offer both in-home/in-barn sessions as well as virtual sessions. Many wish to have the session performed virtually due to the animal being excitable or not receptive to a strangers touch. Just as with humans, distant healing is just as powerful as energy holds no physical constraints. Being present with your animal during a session will help them to relax and trust the experience as well as help them to be open to sharing any communication that wishes to be revealed.
Huna healing is a gentle, non-invasive yet powerful healing modality and are beneficial to all animals regardless of their age, breed, size or condition of health.
A Single Huna Animal Session - $88.00
Includes: Healing treatment; consultation prior to the session. Duration of the session is anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Huna Animal Healing Package: Three prepaid sessions - $234.00
(value $264.00)
We recommend the first three sessions to occur within a time period of three weeks to build and maintain the energy healing momentum and similar to all therapies, your animal will feel the benefits with regular treatments. After completing the third session we evaluate the experiences and assess whether future treatments are desired.
This value package includes: An initial consultation prior to our first session; three Huna sessions; dedicated time for consultation will be given before and after treatments.
Travel costs outside of Toronto may be applicable. Please inquire.
Compassionate offerings are available in special circumstances.
Huna for your Animal’s Transition
Departing from the physical connection of your beloved animal is an experience that cannot be described in words. I have personally experienced this many times in my life and have great compassion for both the guardian and the beloved animal during this phase of life and transition. Huna can offer both you and your animal relief from fear and pain, comfort and reduced anxiety during your animal’s transition from this earth plane
Energy healing during this difficult time will assist in bringing acceptance to the physical separation for both of you and provide a deep relaxation and understanding of the new chapter of life that your loved animal family member is being called to.