Huna Healing For Children

Huna healing for children is a safe and non invasive healing method. Huna helps the body shift from sympathetic (fight-or-flight) anxiety mode into parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode. The session helps to ignite your child's body's own self-healing response-assisting the body in releasing deep-seated tensions, aiding in detoxification, and balancing mental and emotional states.
The Huna Practitioner ignites the child's self healing process by simply placing their hands gently over the body by touching (Kahi) or not touching ( 3 to 4 inches away from the body) . We scan the child’s etheric body for areas of densities and low vibrational energy while working with a higher consciousness to override the programming, freeing the body of any tension. The practitioner channels the healing energy and safety transfers to the child. Through intuitive therapy and by holding space in these areas we transform, cleanse, clear and restructure the information that resides in the child’s system. This work ignites the child’s body’s intelligence to heal itself and life force energy is renewed resulting in a natural flow of health and wellness.
After the session, your child's body will "detox" any unwanted energy; you will want to make sure that your child is well hydrated. It's a good idea to drink water before the session as well.
Benefits of Huna for Children
Enhances calmness and promotes a feeling of inner peace
Improves sleep and relaxation
Relieves stress, anxiety, phobias and fears
Enhances relaxation and improves sleep
Improves focus & concentration in class and eases anxiety concerning tests
Manages hyperactivity and self regulation
Pain relief and relax sore muscles
Who would Benefit from Huna?
Children with anxiety, stress and other fears
Children with anger issues and mood swings
Children with Insomnia, and other sleep related issues.
Children with issues related to focus and concentration
Children with diagnosis of ADHD or ADD
Children with sensory processing disorders and Autism spectrum
Children with OCD and ODD
Children with pain and sore/tight muscles
Children with behavioral Issues
45 minutes/$100